Program of Modern Dance with music by student composers, May 15-16, 1951.
The Juilliard School
Martha Graham program for the benefit of the Dance Scholarship Fund, April 22-27, 1952.
The Juilliard School
José Limón and Dance Company program
The Juilliard School
A Demonstration In Dance program, May 7-8, 1953
The Juilliard School
Jose Limon and Dance Company program, January 29-31, February 5-7, 1954.
The Juilliard School
The first productions of The Juilliard Dance Theater program, April 19-20, 1955.
The Juilliard School
José Limón and Dance Company and the Juilliard Dance Theater program
The Juilliard School
The Juilliard Dance Theater program, January 11-12, 1957.
The Juilliard School
The Juilliard Dance Theater program, April 11-12, 1958.
The Juilliard School
José Limón with Members of his Company, Valerie Bettis, Juilliard Dance Theater program, May 8-9...
The Juilliard School
Four Evenings of Dance program
The Juilliard School
Composers and Dancers program, May 5, 1960.
The Juilliard School
The Philadelphia Orchestra Senior Student Concerts program, February 6, 1961.
The Juilliard School
Two Evenings of Dance program, April 14-15, 1961.
The Juilliard School
Dance Department Workshop with the Zachary Solov Ballet Ensemble program, October 18, 1961.
The Juilliard School
Gradus Ad Parnassum program, March 8-9, 1962.
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, April 27-28, 1962
The Juilliard School
Dance Concert program, February 20, 1963
The Juilliard School
Open Rehearsal program, March 14, 1963.
The Juilliard School
Four Evenings of Stage Works by Paul Hindemith program, March 13-16, 1963.
The Juilliard School
A Program of Ballet program, April 5-6, 1963.
The Juilliard School
A Program of Modern Dance program, May 10-11, 1963.
The Juilliard School
A Preview and a Premiere program, March 6-7, 1964.
The Juilliard School
Dress Rehersal program, April 16, 1964.
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, April 17-18, 1964
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, February 12-13, 1965
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, May 6-7, 1966
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, April 20-22, 1967
The Juilliard School
Dance Workshop program, December 13, 1967
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, March 28-30, 1968
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, March 20-22, 1969
The Juilliard School
Dance Workshop program, November 21, 1969
The Juilliard School
Wednesday One O'Clock Concert Series, Juilliard Dance Division program, January 14, 1970.
The Juilliard School
The Juilliard Dance Division presents Event I program, February 26, 1970.
The Juilliard School
New and Repertory Dance program, May 26, 1970
The Juilliard School
The Juilliard Dance Division presents Event II program, February 26, 1971.
The Juilliard School
Student Choreographic Works program, April 30, 1971.
The Juilliard School
Private Viewing of three pieces for small groups choreographed by Antony Tudor program, May 27...
The Juilliard School
Light-Well Event program, May 28, 1971
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, May 5-6, 1971.
The Juilliard School
Student Choreographic Works program, November 10, 1971.
The Juilliard School
A Program of Dance program, November 12-13, 1971
The Juilliard School
Student Choreographic Works program, December 15, 1971.
The Juilliard School
Juilliard Dance Ensemble presents Two Repertory Programs, May 17-20, 1972
The Juilliard School
Irving The Terrific program, 1972
The Juilliard School
An Informal Showing program, March 20, 1973.
The Juilliard School
A Program of Improvisations program, April 27, 1973
The Juilliard School
Dance Workshop program, May 18, 1973
The Juilliard School